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Fill Out Your Meta Data Properly on Your Property Management Website

Tip #8 "How to Grow a Property Management Business Through a Website"

Correctly filling out your meta title, meta description, and meta keywords can help you score better on search than your competitors.  Remember that search engine optimization has a lot to do with attention to detail.  Those companies that do the little things correctly are going to score better on search than their competitors, with all other things being equal.

Meta data is not nearly as important as it used to be, but is still very important.  The most important is your title tag, this tells computer programs called search engines what they are going to find on that particular page.  Make sure that the page is titled as a group of search terms that you are looking to be found for.  For example:  Colorado Springs Property ManagementColorado Springs Property ManagersColorado Springs Property Management Companies.  These are all search terms that you might want to be found for when an investor conducts a search looking for a property management company to hire.  

Next is your meta description.  While it doesn't add a ton of value to the search algorithm, it does give you an opportunity to control what is displayed in the search results.  If you provide the search engines a description, they will usually use it.  If you don't, they have to figure it out themselves.  This gives you opportunity to show searchers what your company does, or to qualify your visitors if you are looking to land certain types of customers.  In the following image, you will see the meta title highlighted, and the description circled in red:

Meta keywords have lost almost all of their value because of abuse. We still recommend putting 3-5 keyword phrases that you would like to be found for into the keyword section just as a precaution.

Filling out your meta data correctly is another item that will help your website be more RELEVANT than your competition.

Estimated Search Impact Meta Title Tags: 2-3%

Estimated Search Impact Meta Description: 1%

Estimated Search Impact Meta Keywords: <1%

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